Coming Off Hormonal Contraception does not need to mean a lifetime of acne!

Learn more about androgens, excess sebum and the hidden bacterial culprit behind acne development post hormonal birth control withdrawal.

Why is it important?

Many women take hormonal contraception for a number of years and the prospect of stopping cold turkey can be daunting. With some nutrient, herbal and lifestyle support, withdrawing from hormonal contraception does not automatically have to mean a lifetime of acne. There are several things which can be explored to prepare oneself for life after hormonal contraception. It is particularly important to seek an alternate form of contraception.

What drives post hormonal contraceptive acne?

Sebum, or the oil that is secreted by our pores, form part of our first-line defences from pathogenic invasion (sounds like something from a sci-fi series). In some instances, the hormone-like drugs that are used as contraception can suppress sebum production (which is why it can often be prescribed to treat young women's acne). After withdrawal of the drug there can be a sling-shot phenomenon where the body up-regulates sebum production to an unmanageable degree.

Once your ovaries and pituitary begin to support your own hormonal cycle production, it may also result in a temporary surge in androgens (male hormones).

It is important to take heart at the first sign of any break-out. It will take your body time to regulate its own hormonal cycle. Post-pill acne usually peaks about two to three months off after withdrawal. Some preventative steps can assist reduce the severity of the reaction until your body normalises itself.

Preventative Natural Treatments for Post-Pill Acne

It is ideal for you start your preventative treatments a couple of months before you stop the pill. This is going to give your body enough time to correct any nutrient imbalances and to reduce any local inflammation and increase adaptability. Preventative natural treatments include:

  • Optimise your digestion by using digestive bitters and enzymes. Humans are very beautifully crafted tube which absorb nutrients from the outside. Skin requires appropriate protein and fatty acid absorption which requires appropriate gastric acid. It has been found that acne is implicated in changes in microbiota composition and low stomach acid.

  • Increase zinc-containing foods. Zinc is a mineral which is found in seafoods (particularly oysters), pumpkin seeds, red meat, chickpeas, cashews and almonds. It is particularly well suited to supporting the skin post withdrawal because it acts as an antimicrobial, reduces keratin and repairs tissues. In Polycystic-Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is has been found to reduce excessive testosterone levels, although how it does this is poorly understood. Not everyone responds well to zinc supplementation, so it is ideal to seek qualified advice in this area.

  • Increase dietary fatty acids this may sound contrary to what you would expect but cold, fatty fish (such as herring, salmon, sardines, anchovies, cod liver), chia seeds, walnuts, flaxseeds, avocados, eggs, provide a source of omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids are anti-inflammatory and are helpful in maintaining skin health.

  • Dairy-free avoid most non-organic dairy sources (such as cheese, milk, ice-cream and yoghurt) because of its high delivery of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1). This peptide hormone is implicated in aggravating acne. Experiencing a reaction because of a hormone like IGF-1 is different to lactose intolerance which is derived from having insufficient digestive enzymes to break down the sugars (lactose) within dairy sources. Dairy also contains an inflammatory protein (A1 casein) which is can react within the body to trigger an immune response through mast cells and histamine production.  Avoid all normal dairy (yogurt, cheese, ice cream, milky coffees). Butter is the exception because it may only contain trace amounts of the protein. Switching to goat or sheep dairy may be a safer alternative because it contains the protein A2 casein.

  • Moderate to low sugar intake is advisable because sugar is known to rapidly peak glucose levels and IGF-1. Opting for lower Glycaemic Index (GI) fructose from whole fruits is preferable over high-GI fructose sourced from honey, fruit juices, dried fruit and desserts.

  • Discuss DIM with a qualified naturopath or nutritionist (diindolylmethane). DIM is a phytonutrient derived from broccoli sprouts. However, it is preferable to take personalised advice before taking DIM containing supplements.

  • Modify skin care regimes harsh detergents or sebum stripping topical applications may aggravate the skin.

How Long Will It Take Before I Withdraw?

It depends! It depends on how healthy you are, when you start your skin preparation and your own bio-individuality. By reducing inflammation and histamine from food sources it can provide symptomatic relief in the first few weeks. Post withdrawal symptoms may peak between two to three months and reduce by up to six months. Depending on the severity it can take up to twelve months to resolve fully.

What if I still get symptoms?

There may be something more serious that is underlying acne development if no improvements are found. Discussing your unique symptoms with a practitioner is important to disregard PCOS or Endometriosis from further consideration.

Prepping for life after hormone contraception is possible, although potentially complex. We are here to help with any concerns you may have completing this process, so drop us a line.

The information provided on the Nurture Point Pty Ltd blog and greater website is for educational and information purposes. The information provided within the blogs, or anywhere else on this site is not, nor is it intended to be, a substitute for professional advice or care. Please seek the advice of a qualified health care professional in the event something you have read here raises questions or concerns regarding your health. We offer personalised Naturopathic consultations as an online service. We offer nutrition care, herbal medicine and lifestyle advice. If you wish, feel free to book in a time here.


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