About the Metabolic Balance® Program.

Rebalancing the metabolism using food as medicine is a holistic approach to health that focuses on restoring connection and harmony within the body. Through the consumption of nutrient-dense, whole-based foods, when combined with mindful eating habits and regular moderate exercise, this modality seeks to support natural metabolic function and restore overall wellbeing. An integral part of this practice is the belief that food is not only meant to nourish but should be used as medicine as well. Here we explain our approach.

The Metabolic Balance–nutrition plan is an individualized system based on scientific parameters and data collected from you. The 36 distinct blood values are essential, as they tell us which nutrients your body needs more of and those in sufficient amounts. This allows us to optimize your health with ideal foods. Furthermore, the blood analysis additionally reveals if you have elevated inflammation which may impair you reaching your health goals or if you may be susceptible to some diseases. Your personal information entails further details regarding your wellness, dietary habits, food allergies, and much more. By leveraging this comprehensive knowledge of you, the Metabolic Balance nutrition plan is tailored precisely to you for an unparalleled experience. It can be adapted to a vegetarian dietary intake but not an exclusively vegan plan.

The Phases

The Metabolic Balance program consists of four distinct phases, the duration of which is tailored to each individual's health goal. Particular attention should be given to the strict phase (phase 2), as it can be adjusted to suit individual necessities.

During the preparatory phase (spanning two days), we engage in a digestive cleanse. On Day 1, you will be encouraged to select an appropriate method, agreed upon with your practitioner. Common choices for this detoxification process include magnesium supplements, psyllium husks or natural laxatives.

Phase 1, The Cleanse Phase

Delivered in two parts (the first with no added oils for two weeks), this is the phase of the program which delivers the biggest results. Strict adherence to the plan is absolutely essential when entering "Phase 2 with oil". However, you will be allowed to enjoy occasional treat days. Our data illustrates that the clients who stay committed to their plan for a long duration of time, while avoiding excuses, ultimately attain the highest level of success in the long-term. Your metabolism displays a greater capacity for resilience and forgiveness when given more time to settle at its optimal state.

Phase 2, (Strict & Relaxed), The “Change” Phase

During Phase 3, an individual's consumption is slowly increased and possibly unfamiliar foods are experimented with the guidance of your practitioner. At this stage, many clients discover that their food reactions have changed; they may find that their palate has shifted. For these individuals, cravings for sweets, burgers and other processed items often dissipate. Now that they have a chance to try them again, many no longer desire those types of foods.

Phase 3, The Relaxed or “Changeover” Phase

Phase 4, The Maintenance Phase

This is the retention stage of Metabolic Balance. By this point, you should have a solid understanding of which foods are suitable for your needs and which you enjoy. By this stage, we commonly observe 80% of the successful clients adhere to their plans and 20% follow their own paths.

Your Enrolment Options

To find out more about your enrolment options follow this link.

Get in touch.

We love that first moment of contact! We offer all of our new clients a free introductory phone call to learn more about our services. We want to understand where you are with your health, how it’s impacting your life and what we can do to help you on your way to feeling better. To do this we love having the opportunity to introduce ourselves. To book your free discovery call please click here.