Mindset in Weight Loss

If you are looking to release unwanted weight permanently; enjoy balanced, happy hormones; regain vibrant energy  and finally feel confident to wear the clothes you love, and self sabotage has gotten in the way, we understand. To help combat this we have put together a download with the top 5 mindset shifts that can help release unwanted weight and unblock the most resistant self-saboteur.

Mindset plays a huge role in the success of any new health regime and particularly weight because it’s such a primal activity. The record of repetitive thoughts will likely dictate your beliefs, which can impact behaviours. Having a cheat-sheet on hand can help unlock the crucial piece in success or failure. Common experiences that we have observed and helped to navigate:

  • Starting with huge enthusiasm and then observing someone telling themselves that “it’s alright, I didn’t really want success all that much” when they experience a stumble

  • Delaying starting all together for “when everything is perfect, then I’ll”

  • Procrastinating further by “let me just do the thousand or so tasks that I’ve been ignoring for the past five years because I know I can achieve these tasks but I have had a negative experience when it comes to getting healthy”.

  • Our favourite to navigate is when people don’t have a clear picture of what it is that they want. Bringing clarity to that picture can assist in developing razor sharp focus to help bring the dream into reality.

  • Or, lucky last, there is a lack of an awareness of an emotional trigger which could potential derail someone.

We have seen countless times how self talk impacts the outcome of taking the Metabolic Balance® journey. This resource can help highlight some of the issues you haven’t thought of yet and provides some new tools and strategies to circumnavigate your path back to success and freedom.

Of course, nothing beats having someone there to guide you through your own journey. Health can be challenging because it takes consistency. Sometimes asking for help from someone who has experienced it for themselves and knows what to expect can be the biggest decision towards achieving your goals.

Sign up to download your free resource here. If you’re curious to see if the Metabolic Balance® journey can benefit you, book in your free discovery call here. We have several packages to choose from to enrol into Metabolic Balance, to explore your options please follow this link.

The information provided on the Nurture Point Pty Ltd blog and greater website is for educational and information purposes. The information provided within the blogs, or anywhere else on this site is not, nor is it intended to be, a substitute for professional advice or care. Please seek the advice of a qualified health care professional in the event something you have read here raises questions or concerns regarding your health. We offer personalised Naturopathic consultations as an online service. We offer nutrition care, herbal medicine and lifestyle advice. If you wish to find out more about how to improve your own health, feel free to book in a free discovery call here.


If nothing else, just breathe…


The Metabolic Balance® Weight Loss Journey